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ICOM Certificate in Theology (English)
CL2220 - How to Study the Bible
CL2220 - How to Study the Bible
The study of God’s Word demands our best attention. The Holy Spirit teaches us, but we must apply ourselves as well. It takes careful study of the Bible to understand its deep meanings. This course will present basic facts about the Bible and give you a few methods by which to organize your study. Without a plan of action, it would be very difficult to build a house, sew a dress, or graduate from school. But a plan of action makes any...More
CL2220 - How to Study the Bible

CL3130 - Who Jesus Is
CL3130 - Who Jesus Is
Jesus Christ was born more than 2,000 years ago. Why should you study a course about Him? What difference does it make to you who He is? This question is vital. You will find the answer to it in these lessons. Today, more people than ever before in the history of the world are talking about Jesus Christ. Millions claim to be His followers. Why? Whatever your religion may be, you owe it to yourself to know something about Jesus—His life, His ...More
CL3130 - Who Jesus Is

CL3230 - Your Helpful Friend
CL3230 - Your Helpful Friend
You will enjoy reading about men and women who have received the Holy Spirit as their Friend and Helper. You will learn from the Bible what this Friend can do for you. Best of all, as you put into practice the suggestions given in each lesson, you will know God better and serve Him more effectively. You will find the Suggested Reading List at the end of this book helpful if you plan to teach the course or want to study more about the subject a...More
CL3230 - Your Helpful Friend

CL4140 - The Church
CL4140 - The Church
Have you ever wondered where the church came from, how it got started, and what will happen to it in the future? Not only does this course tell you about the church, but it will also help you to know how you can be more useful to Christ and His church as you put into practice what you learn....More
CL4140 - The Church

CL4240 - Christian Worship
CL4240 - Christian Worship
When you asked Christ into your heart and life, you were born in God’s family. He had already shown His love to you by sending Jesus to die in your stead. He continues to show you His love by answering your prayers and meeting your needs. You in turn have responded by accepting what He offered you and by thanking Him for His many blessings. But your heart is reaching out to do more. You want to express your love further. As you grow in...More
CL4240 - Christian Worship

CL5150 - Personal Evangelism
CL5150 - Personal Evangelism
Now that you have accepted Jesus into your heart and He has become your personal, living Savior, many questions may have come to your mind. What is the Christian life all about? What am I supposed to do? No matter who you are, you have been chosen by God to tell others of your experience with Jesus Christ and His saving power. That is personal evangelism! This study course will help you to understand the true nature of personal evangelism. ...More
CL5150 - Personal Evangelism

CL5250 - Christian Workers
CL5250 - Christian Workers
This course tells how God has organized the church according to His plan and purpose. It explains why there are different types of workers in the church. It describes the kind of person a Christian worker should be. And it gives practical suggestions you can follow in finding and developing your own gifts. It will help you understand how you can work with the leaders in your church and minister to those around you....More
CL5250 - Christian Workers

CL6160 - Bible Ethics
CL6160 - Bible Ethics
This course will help you see the rules that were made to help you be holy as He is holy. It will help you see that these rules for right living are made for your own good. God is interested in what you are rather than in what you do not do as a Christian....More
CL6160 - Bible Ethics

CL6260 - Marriage and the Home
CL6260 - Marriage and the Home
What do you expect to get out of this course? How will it help you? Many students take it in preparation for marriage. Young couples find in it time-tested rules for developing a happy home. Parents and children learn to appreciate each other more as they study the basic principles of good family relationships. And counselors can find in these pages a wealth of good practical advice to pass on to others. There is something in this course for e...More
CL6260 - Marriage and the Home

CL6360 - The Christian in His Community
CL6360 - The Christian in His Community
We usually think of community as the place where we live. But you will learn that community is much more than the place where we live—it is a spirit or an attitude that we have toward others. Do you know that you can be part of more than one community? You may be part of a school community, a church community, or a working community. All of these together may make up the community where you live. In this course, we will discover principle...More
CL6360 - The Christian in His Community

HP01 - Bible Survey
HP01 - Bible Survey
This course includes a brief survey of the sixty-six books of the Bible. In this course, we will follow a systematic plan as we search through the Scriptures to see what they teach about God, his creation, and how he relates with his creation....More
HP01 - Bible Survey

HP02 - Bible Doctrines
HP02 - Bible Doctrines
It is often helpful to study the Bible in such a way as to find all the teachings related to a certain subject. Such a study helps us to quickly see the whole idea in a logical way. This kind of study is referred to as systematic theology. In this course, we will follow such a plan as we search through the Scriptures to see what they teach about God, his creation, and how he relates with his creation. These then become foundational for our faith ...More
HP02 - Bible Doctrines

HP03 - Spiritual Formation
HP03 - Spiritual Formation
The purpose of this course is to help the student to become more like Christ and to help others to do the same. This course will guide you through the process of Christian growth in your daily Christian living and service....More
HP03 - Spiritual Formation

HP04 - Developing Ministerial Skills
HP04 - Developing Ministerial Skills
Developing Ministerial Skills course is a practical course providing guidance on the good practice of some important aspects of Christian Ministry. Written primarily for workers preparing to be house church pastors, this is a how-to-do-it study of the work of Christian ministry....More
HP04 - Developing Ministerial Skills

HP06 - Planting House Churches
HP06 - Planting House Churches
The Bible gives principles of planting churches among all cultures and peoples. In this course, you will learn biblically based practical instruction to planting house churches. ...More
HP06 - Planting House Churches

HP07 - Care Cell Leadership
HP07 - Care Cell Leadership
In this course you will learn to use the ministry skills that you have already acquired in order to multiply the care cells in your church. This course will introduce you to the heart, role and the skills involved in organising, starting, leading and multiplying care cells. Through this course, you will: - Experience a personal breakthrough - Exercise your faith to believe God for the salvation of your loved ones - Equip yourself to nurtu...More
HP07 - Care Cell Leadership